
CURR 205 Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs

Time limit: 180 days


Full course description

This course prepares candidates to select curricula and to use evidence-based instructional MMSN strategies that meet the diverse learning characteristics of students with mild to moderate support needs across an array of environments and activities. This course provides each candidate with a depth of knowledge and skills in the teaching of reading, speaking, listening, written language, and mathematics to ensure access to general education curriculum across settings. Candidates will learn to utilize standards-based assessment data to collaboratively develop IEP goals, adaptations and instructional plans that are responsive to the unique needs of the student and the requirements of the core curriculum, and are implemented and adjusted systematically to promote maximum learning and academic achievement. This course prepares candidates to have knowledge of evidence-based curricula and instructional methods that are effective with students with mild/moderate disabilities and provides a knowledge base of strategies and interventions for students who are not responding to the current instructional environment and prepares candidates to create instructional and behavior support partnerships with parents/families. This course prepares candidates to know how mild/moderate disabilities impact student learning and know how to ensure that evidence-based methods for teaching are discussed. 

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