
SPED 203 Effective Communication and Collaborative Partners for Teachers and Students

Time limit: 180 days


Full course description

This course  provides instruction in communicating, collaborating and consulting effectively with (1) individuals with disabilities and their parents, and primary caregivers, (2) general/special education teachers, and co-teachers, related service personnel, and administrators, (3) trans-disciplinary teams including but not limited to multi-tiered intervention strategies, Section 504, IEP/IFSP/ITP. The program provides opportunities for the candidate to establish and work in partnerships to design, implement, and evaluate appropriate, integrated services based on individual student needs. This course informs candidates of the importance of communicating effectively with the business community, public and non- public agencies, to provide the cohesive delivery of services, and bridge transitional stages across the lifespan for all learners. Each candidate collaborates with others to facilitate each student’s ability to effectively communicate and increase the extent and variety of social interactions to achieve and expand meaningful social relationships across all settings. This course will ensure that each candidate teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder is able to demonstrate the ability to collaborate as a member of a multidisciplinary team with all service providers and effectively interact with families.

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